Students and scientists from all over Russia will discuss black holes wandering in the Milky Way, cosmic threats, the early stages of the formation of star systems, galactic spirals, and much more. They are taking part in the 50th All-Russian Student Scientific Conference with International Participation “Physics of Space”, which will be held at the Ural Federal University from January 30 to February 3.
For example, a lecture on the chemistry of excited states will be given by Dmitry Wiebe, Head of the Department of Physics and Evolution of Stars at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He will talk about the peculiarities of astrochemical processes involving isolated molecules in excited vibrational and rotational states. Maria Kirsanova, Senior Researcher at the Department of Physics of the Ural Federal University, Specialist at the UrFU Kourovka Astronomical Observatory and Evolution of Stars of the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will talk about interstellar molecules in the ultraviolet range. A review lecture on the Galaxy will be given by Olga Silchenko, Head of the Department of Physics of Emission Stars and Galaxies at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University.
“Our universe has existed and expanded for 13.8 billion years. The first galaxies within it, giant systems of stars and gas, also appeared long ago, more than 13 billion years ago. What were they like at the beginning of the universe’s evolution, in the first billion years after the Big Bang? Cosmological theory has long since painted a complete picture. But we have already learned something from the observations, and not everything is similar to what the theorists predicted,” says Olga Silchenko in her thesis.